A small, rustic frontier village nestled between two National Parks which have been given World Heritage status. Glenorchy known as the Gateway to Paradise and the famous Routeburn, Caples, Greenstone, Rees and Dart Valley walking tracks
Glenorchy does not vow to eliminate all stress and tension in a single trip, but people do visit to unwind, soak up the tranquillity and replenish the soul.
The environment is pristine, demanding time to stay on for a while and there is a range of accommodation, cafe and services to fulfil this need.
Visitors come to Glenorchy to enjoy the magnificent scenery, unquestionably some of finest in New Zealand and follow some of the many popular outdoor pursuits which have all emerged as naturally as the environmental heritage of the region.
...A small, rustic frontier village nestled between two National Parks which have been given World Heritage status. Glenorchy known as the Gateway to Paradise and the famous Routeburn, Caples, Greenstone, Rees and Dart Valley walking tracks
Glenorchy does not vow to eliminate all stress and tension in a single trip, but people do visit to unwind, soak up the tranquillity and replenish the soul.
The environment is pristine, demanding time to stay on for a while and there is a range of accommodation, cafe and services to fulfil this need.
Visitors come to Glenorchy to enjoy the magnificent scenery, unquestionably some of finest in New Zealand and follow some of the many popular outdoor pursuits which have all emerged as naturally as the environmental heritage of the region.
Horse riding, jet boating, kayaking wind surfing, water-skiing and extending into the foot hills of the Mount Aspiring National Park scenic walks, hiking at all levels of pace or passion, orienteering and mountain climbing, fly fishing and hunting.
More recently the intrigue of many filming locations for ''The Lord of the Rings'' have highlighted Glenorchy as the mythical Tolkein world of ''Middle-earth'' featuring the golden wood of Lothlorien, Armon Hen and Isengard.
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